A man sitting by the water as the sunsets represents someone struggling with depression who could benefit from Therapy for Depression in St. Louis, MO.

Live Life Again


Dealing with depression can make even the simplest tasks feel overwhelming and out of our reach. It zaps the joy from our very core, leaving a numbed existence in its wake. With the right set of tools and guidance, you can find your light and get back to living a fulfilled life. Depression treatment with Core Counseling can offer support in St. Louis, and online across the state. We are happy to serve Springfield, Columbia, St. Charles, and more!

A woman with her face resting in her hands looking out the window represents someone with depression who could benefit from Depression Treatment in St. Louis, MO.

How do I know if I am depressed instead of just feeling sad?

Depression is not only about feeling sad. Everyone feels down from time to time due to various life stressors. But, people with depression experience a persistent low mood accompanied by a variety of symptoms they just can’t seem to shake. Not all people with depression experience it the same way.

  • Loss of interest in things you once enjoyed

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Lack of motivation

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and sadness

  • Easily irritated

  • Low self-esteem

  • Thoughts of self-harm

Some of the most common symptoms people with depression experience are:

In some cases, people with depression experience thoughts of ending one’s own life and/or are preoccupied with death and dying. If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide or death, there are resources readily available to you 24/7. These resources include the following: Behavioral Health Response (BHR) 314-469-6644 bhrstl.org; Crisis Text Line: text TALK to 741-741 crisistextline.org; and Lifeline 988 988lifeline.org.

You don’t have to do this alone! Depression treatment can help.   

Working with a depression therapist will help you explore how your depression affects you. Together, you can find adaptive ways to cope so you can live a more fulfilled life. Through an eclectic and strength-based approach to depression treatment, we will pull from a variety of modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT); Motivational Interviewing (MI); and more. By using these modalities, your depression therapist can find which techniques best meet your needs. We will work together to sort through your negative thought patterns and replace them with more positive ones.

 A better tomorrow…

Life doesn’t always have to be this way. Depression treatment gives individuals the opportunity to experience brighter days. As you begin treatment you may begin to feel the chains that have been holding you captive start to loosen. Positive thoughts replace negative thoughts. Healthy habits replace maladaptive ones. A new sense of freedom and hope starts to develop. Your self-worth is activated, and you begin to experience joy again.

Smiling woman enjoying her day outside on a sunny day represents someone who has overcome depression through Depression Therapy in St, Louis, MO.

Begin Depression Treatment in St. Louis, MO, and Online Throughout the State of Missouri

Don’t wait any longer to start treating your depression. Get the support you deserve from one of our caring therapists and begin treating your depression today! To begin depression treatment with Core Counseling, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact Core Counseling to get scheduled

  2. Complete intake forms and meet with a caring therapist

  3. Start receiving the support you deserve

Other Services Offered at Core Counseling

At Core Counseling, we offer a variety of mental health services in support of your mental health. These include counseling for teens, anxiety therapy, family therapy, online therapy, therapy for trauma, play therapy, and couples counseling. Our therapists are also experienced in treating grief, trauma, addiction, anger management, relationship issues, and ADHD. We are also happy to offer support with mood disorders, emotional issues, life transitions, low self-esteem, stress management, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and communication issues. Feel free to learn more about our practice by visiting our FAQ page, about page, our blog, and other resources. We currently offer Online Therapy and Face-to-Face therapy options! Contact us and Let's Talk!